Lynne Edelstein
Lynne Edelstein has a background which combines creative endeavors with fields emphasizing the written word. After graduating from University of
Pennsylvania in 1990, she worked for a neuropsychologist, co-authoring written studies on memory disorders. She went on to a degree from Harvard Law School in 1994, and worked for years as a lawyer. Turning in more recent years to her creative side, Lynne is currently also a headshot and portrait photographer. She loves to work with young actors, and enjoys interacting with and getting to know these kids, encouraging their personality to shine in their photos. Lynne is also writing and illustrating a children's book, The Edge of the Sky. She has three children -- two ended up at the college of their choice and the third will be starting the process soon.
Deborah Scheck
Deborah Scheck has been writing and editing as part of her professional career for over 30 years. After graduating from the University of Michigan with a BA, she worked at a literary agency where she reviewed manuscripts slated for publication. Upon completing her MBA, she transitioned to business -- in international banking and consulting, where the work involved writing detailed proposals and deliverables, editing writing from other consultants and putting ideas together to win multi-year contracts. In recent years, Deborah has written and published articles about topics in interior design. She is a mother of four children -- three of whom are old enough to have survived and even flourished in the college entrance process.